„Transportation is a precise business.” (from Transporters 3) In the eighth series of the BHSF office talks, we are interested in different forms of transportation in architecture, urbanism, and other types of work. In an increasingly globalizing world, not is it only common for architectural offices to conduct projects and have branches in several countries, it has also become commonplace for universities and NGO’s to operate in many different geographical and cultural contexts. With many of these activities, it becomes clear that the transfer of ideas from one place to another can enrich these ideas, completely change them, and lead to totally different results at the new place. In the office talks, we are interested in learning about different ways of how ideas transfer inside and outside of design and research practises: What is gained on the way, and what gets lost? How do networks of knowledge exchange work? What drives their development? How are different practises at different places sustained and coordinated? How could this transfer work in the future?