Verdichtung Bethlehem West, Bern

City of Berne
BHSF + Raumbureau
Landscape Architecture
Maurus Schifferli, Bern
Also Involved
WAM Ingenieure und Planer (traffic planning), Caroline Ting (sociology), Georg Schaerrer
Study Period

The city of Berne will  be densified in the next decades. To understand where this densification can take place in the existing city structure, the urban planning department has determined a number of “chantiers” where this densification will probably take place most prominently. Together with Raumbureau, BHSF has taken part in a study commission. The area is architecturally and urbanistically very sensitive, as it is positioned between the modernistic Fellergut and Tscharnergut ensembles, which are unique in Switzerland. The design deals with the topic of better connection of the two sides along the rails and with the continuation of the existing identity, which is strongly influenced by the settlements Tscharner- and Fellergut. This results in a series of urban spatial, strong settlements, while at the same time providing sufficient flexibility in the first floors for the further development of commercial uses.